Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Electrical Engineering Department

For Aligarh Muslim University B Tech Students:

                           Regulations to Chapter XXXIV (F) of Ordinances (Academic) for
                                                 B. Tech. Degree Programme
1. Explanations

1.1 Course Number
Every course has a course number consisting of 5 characters (minimum) and 6 characters (maximum).
The first two characters are alphabets indicating the department that offers or coordinates the course; the
third character is a numerical digit indicating the year of offering the course in the program; the fourth
character is a numerical digit indicating the type of course; the fifth character is a numerical digit that
does not indicate any particular thing; and the sixth character is optional.

(a) The first two alpha characters will mean the following:
AC = Department of Applied Chemistry
AM = Department of Applied Mathematics
AP = Department of Applied Physics
AR = Department of Architecture
CE = Department of Civil Engineering
CH = Department of Chemical Engineering
CO = Department of Computer Engineering
EE = Department of Electrical Engineering
EL = Department of Electronics Engineering
ME = Department of Mechanical Engineering
PK = Department of Petroleum Studies
EZ = Departments external to Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology

(b) The third character will be 1, 2, 3, or 4 indicating First Year, Second Year, Third Year or Fourth Year
of the B. Tech. program.

(c) The fourth character will be interpreted as follows:
1-7 = Theory courses

8 = Courses such as Seminar, Colloquium, Field work, etc.
9 = Laboratory/Practical courses and Projects.

1.2 Faculty Number
Every student has a Faculty number consisting of 8 characters. The first two characters are numerical
digits indicating the year of admission; the third and fourth characters are alphabets indicating the branch
of the B. Tech. program; the fifth character is always “B” indicating B. Tech. program; the sixth, seventh
and eighth characters are numerical digits that are for identifying a student of a particular batch.

(a) The first two characters will be the right most two digits of the year of admission. Thus students
admitted in 2011 will have the first two characters as 11.

(b) The third and fourth characters will be interpreted as follows:
CE = Civil Engineering
EE = Electrical Engineering
KE = Chemical Engineering
LE = Electronics Engineering 
 ME = Mechanical Engineering 
 PE = Computer Engineering 
 PK = Petrochemical Engineering 

(c) In case of change of branch after First year, a student’s faculty number will be changed as required. 
1.3 Marks 

(a) The combined total marks obtained by a student in the course work and the mid-semester examination
will be called Sessional Marks. 

(b) The marks obtained by a student in the end-semester examination will be called Examination Marks. 

2. Conduct of Teaching 
2.1 Course In-charge 
Every course will be taught by one or more teachers. The BOS of the concerned department will allocate
the teaching load to the teacher(s) and will also designate a course in-charge for each course. If more than 
one department is involved in the teaching of the course, the course in-charge will be from the 
coordinating department. The course in-charge will coordinate all the work related to attendance, course 
work, examination and evaluation. It is necessary that the students are informed about the course incharge so that they may contact him/her about any problems regarding the course. 

2.2 Display of Attendance, Marks etc. 
It is essential that the attendance should be displayed to the students twice in a semester, once in the 
middle and then at the end of a semester by the teacher(s) concerned. The mid-semester marks should be
displayed to students normally within 15 days of the examination. The total Sessional marks should be 
displayed to the students before the beginning of the end-semester examinations. The course in-charge 
will ensure that the teachers associated with the course make such displays and, in case of complaints
from the students in this regard, shall inform the  Chairman of the concerned department about the 

2.3 Offering Courses 
(a) Courses will be offered by the department concerned as per the schedule given in the relevant 
Curriculum. Departments may also offer a course in both the semesters even though it may be shown in a
particular semester.  

(b) Department Elective (DE) courses will be offered depending on the availability of the staff and other 
facilities and therefore any particular elective course may not be offered even though it may exist in the 
list of possible elective courses.
(c) The advisement for Open Elective (OE) courses in various departments will be based on the guidelines 
approved by the respective Board of Studies. 
2.4 Syllabus B.Tech. Regulations 

Each course will have a syllabus which will be distributed to the students. The teacher(s) concerned 
should ensure that some portion, beyond the syllabus, should also be covered in the class. 

3. Correction of Errors 
In case any error is detected in the marks recorded on the award list, the examiner(s) concerned shall
make a request to correct the mistake to the Dean, Faculty of Engg. & Tech. through the Chairman of the 
concerned department, and shall attach relevant documentary evidence. A committee consisting of the 
following members shall take suitable remedial measures depending upon the merit of the case.  

1. Dean, Faculty of Engg. & Tech. (Chairman) 
2. Principal, ZH College of Engg. & Tech. 
3. Chairman of the concerned department. 
4. One senior member of the Faculty, not belonging to  the concerned department, to be 
nominated by the Dean. 
5. Chief Tabulator, B. Tech. Program. 
4. Examinations 

4.1 Mid-Semester Examination 
Mid-semester examination(s) of each course will be of one hour duration and will be conducted as per 
norms and schedule notified by the office of the Dean in each semester. 

4.2 End-Semester Examination 
End-semester examination(s) of each theory course shall be of three hours duration and will be conducted 
as per norms and schedule notified by the Controller of Examination of the University on the advice of
the Dean. The end-semester examinations of laboratory/practical courses, and other courses such as 
seminar, colloquium, field work and project etc. shall be conducted as notified by the Dean/Chairman 

4.3 Make-up Test 
Students who miss the Mid-Semester Examination in a course due to illness or some other extra-ordinary
compelling situation may contact the teacher(s) concerned of the course with the request to conduct a 
make-up test. The teacher(s) shall follow the guidelines in this regard approved by the Faculty from time 
to time. There shall be no make-up test/examination for end-semester examinations.

B.Tech. Ordinances 

                                                          CHAPTER - XXXIV (F)
                               Bachelor of Technology in the Faculty of Engineering & Technology 
                                              (Effective from the Session 2011 – 2012)
1. Introduction
(a) The Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University offers full-time program
leading to the Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) degree in Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering,
Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and
Petrochemical Engineering.

(b) The medium of instruction in B. Tech. Program is English.

2. Eligibility
A candidate will be eligible for admission to B. Tech. program if he/she has passed the Senior
Secondary School Certificate (10+2) Examination of this University or an Examination recognized by
this University as its equivalent with 50% marks in aggregate of English, Physics, Chemistry, and
Mathematics, or have passed the Diploma in Engineering Examination of this University with 50%
marks in aggregate.

3. Admission
(a) The admissions to the B. Tech. programs will be made normally in the Autumn Semester as per
the admission policy approved by the Academic Council of the University from time to time. The
admission of each student will be made in a particular branch.

(b) A limited number of students may be allowed to change over from one branch of study to another,
after first year of study, depending on the availability of seats and their performance in the first two

4. Academic Session
The academic session is divided into two regular semesters – Autumn and Winter, each of which
shall be of approximately 20 weeks duration. The Autumn semester will normally commence in the
month of July/August every year, and the Winter in the month of December/January. In the beginning
of every session the Dean, in consultation with the Chairmen of the departments concerned, shall
notify a detailed academic calendar indicating the  schedule of teaching, examination, and other

5. Duration of the Program

5.1 Minimum Duration
The minimum duration of the program shall be eight consecutive semesters after admission.

5.2 Maximum Duration
The maximum duration of the program shall be fourteen consecutive semesters after admission.

6. Curriculum and Credit System

6.1 Credit System

Each B. Tech. program will have a curriculum in which every course will be assigned certain credits
reflecting its weight and contact periods per week, as given below:

                                                              B.Tech. Ordinances 

2 1 Lecture period (L) per week =  1 Credit
  1 Tutorial period (T) per week = 1 Credit
  1 Practical period (P) per week = 0.5 Credit

In addition to theory and laboratory courses there may be other courses such as seminar, colloquium,
project, etc., which will be assigned credits as per their contribution in the program without regard to
contact periods.

6.2 Course Categories
The curriculum for each branch will contain courses in the following categories having credits in the
ranges given below in such a way that the total of  all credits will be equal to that required for the
award of degree as specified elsewhere in these ordinances.

(a) Basic Sciences (BS)     20-36 credits
     (Courses such as Physics, Chemistry,
       Mathematics etc.)

(b) Engineering Sciences & Arts (ESA)    20-40 credits
     (Foundation and applied engineering courses
      that are used across many branches)

(c) Humanities and Management (HM)    10-18 credits
     (Language, Social science, & Management)

(d) Departmental Core (DC)     60-116 credits

(e) Departmental Electives (DE)     16-32 credits

(f) Open Electives (OE)      8-16 credits

6.3 Coordinators and Curriculum Development Committee
There shall be a Chief Coordinator, B. Tech. Programs, to be nominated by the Dean, and a
Coordinator, B. Tech. Program for each branch in each department, to be nominated by the
Chairman of the department concerned. Normally the Chief Tabulator will be the Chief Coordinator,
B. Tech. Programs. There shall also be a standing Curriculum Development Committee (CDC), to be
constituted by the Faculty. The Chief Coordinator, B. Tech. Programs will be the Convener of the

6.4 The Curriculum Structure
The curriculum for each branch will contain a listing of all courses, with each course having a course
category, course number, course title, number of contact periods per week, number of credits
assigned, and the marks assigned to various components of evaluation. It will also have a list of
alternative courses in the new curriculum for the old curriculum courses and filler courses to
compensate for the shortfall in credits earned by taking alternative courses in any category, if needed.
It will also specify all other conditions required for the award of degree.

6.5 Approval of the Curriculum
The curriculum for each branch of B. Tech. program will be prepared by the department concerned
and will be approved by the Board of Studies of the department. It will then be vetted by the CDC and
will then be placed in the Faculty along with the recommendations of the CDC for approval. Once
approved by the Faculty, the Curriculum will be implemented. The same procedure shall be used for
any modification in the Curriculum. B.Tech. Ordinances

7. Registration
7.1 Registration Procedure and Schedule
(a) Every student is required to register, in each  semester, for the courses that he/she wants to
pursue in that semester. The registration schedule will be announced by the Dean/Chairman for every
semester. The registration process involves:
(i) Submitting a registration form in the office of the Chairman and obtaining a registration
card signed by the Chairman;
(ii) Paying the required fees.

(b) A student will normally register for higher semester courses only if he has also registered for uncleared courses of previous semesters, especially in the case of un-cleared courses of first two

(c) A student will have the option to add/delete/alter the courses in his/her registration within a week
of the registration subject to such conditions as may be imposed by the department concerned from
time to time.

(d) A student can drop a course from his/her registration by submitting a request to his/her
department coordinator up to a date specified on his/her registration card. A registered course will be
counted as an attempt even if the student remains absent in the Examination(s).

(e) No student will be allowed to register for more than 40 credits in a semester. A graduating course,
however, will not be included in this limit.

(f) A student may be denied registration in a course due to reasons of paucity of staff or space or
other facilities, especially in case the student is registering a course for improving the grade in a
passed course.

(g) If a student fails to register in two consecutive semesters without specific permission from the
Dean, his/her name may be removed from the rolls of the faculty. Such a student may apply to the
Dean for re-admission stating the reasons for not being able to register for two consecutive
semesters and the Dean will take suitable decision on the merit of the case.
7.2 Graduating Course
A student may be allowed to register for one course of not more than 5 credits if he/she is able to 
graduate by passing such a course, irrespective of whether the course is being offered in the current 
semester to regular students or not, provided that the student has fulfilled the attendance requirement 
earlier and has been awarded E or I grade in that course. Such a course shall be known as a 
graduating course.    

8. Attendance (In lieu of Chapter XVII of the Academic Ordinances)
Attendance in each course separately is compulsory at least once. Students who have put in 75% or 
more attendance in a course in a semester will be eligible to appear in the End-Semester 
Examination of that course. Students who have put in 65% or more but less than 75% attendance in a 
course may be considered for condonation of shortage of attendance in that course by the 
condonation committee. Students whose attendance in a course is less than 65% or whose shortage 
in attendance has not been condoned will not be eligible to appear in the End-Semester Examination 
of that course and will be awarded grade ‘F’ in that course and all marks obtained in any component 
of the course-evaluation will stand cancelled. However, in case a student is repeating a course and B.Tech. Ordinances the student has already fulfilled the attendance requirement in that course, he/she will not be detained 
due to shortage of attendance in that course during the repeating semester.

9. Examination and Evaluation (In lieu of Clause (9) of Chapter XV of the existing Academic
9.1 Components of Evaluation
Each course will be evaluated out of 100 marks. The courses will normally have the following
components of evaluation:

(a) Theory courses:
 Course work   15 marks
 Mid-Semester Examination 25 marks
 End-Semester Examination 60 marks

(b) Laboratory courses including Seminar, Colloquium, Project, etc.
 Course work   60 marks
 End-Semester Examination 40 marks

However, for special academic reasons, some courses may have different weight for different
components of evaluation from that given above. Such special reasons will be spelt out clearly in the

9.2 Grading System
The combined marks obtained by a student in various components of evaluation of a course shall be
converted into regular letter grades with their equivalent grade points as specified below
Grade Grade points Description
A 10 Outstanding
B 8 Very good
C 6 Good
D 4 Satisfactory (Minimum Pass Grade)
E 2 Unsatisfactory (Fail)
F 0 Detained due to shortage of attendance
I 0 Incomplete/Absent in the End-Semester Examination
Z 0 Cancelled due to other reasons
The following marks ranges may ordinarily be used for the award of grades to the students in a
Range  Grade
75 and above A
60 and above but less than 75 B
45 and above but less than 60 C
35 and above but less than 45 D
Less than 35 E
Two grace marks may be awarded by the examiner for passing a course and one grace mark may be
awarded by the examiner to elevate the grade. Any fraction in any component of evaluation should be
rounded off to the next whole number. B.Tech. Ordinances

The examiner(s) may propose higher or lower grade ranges depending upon the nature of the course
and general performance of the students in the course, but the final decision rests with the Result
Moderation Committee. However, the minimum passing  grade `D` should never be awarded if a
student secures below 35 marks (including 2 grace marks) in a course.

9.3 Evaluation of a Graduating Course
A graduating course shall be evaluated on the basis of the End-Semester Examination component of
the course alone. The student shall appear only in the End-Semester Examination of the graduating
course. Grade D shall be awarded if the student concerned obtains 35 or more of the marks allotted
to End-Semester Examination alone. In case the marks obtained are less than 35, grade E will be
awarded. Two grace marks, however, will be awarded for passing the course.

9.4 Earned Credits (EC)
If a student passes a course by obtaining grade D or above he/she earns the credits assigned to that

9.5 Performance Indices
At the end of every semester a student’s performance will be indicated by Earned Credits (EC), a
Semester Performance Index (SPI), and a Cumulative  Performance Index (CPI). The SPI is the
credit-weighted average of grade points of all courses registered during a semester and is computed
as follows:
SPI = (C1G1 + C2G2 +……) / (C1 + C2 +…….)
Where C1, C2, ….. are the credits assigned to courses and G1, G2, …… are the grade points earned
in those courses.
The CPI is the credit-weighted average of grade points of all courses passed in all the semesters
since admission.

9.6 Repetition of a Failed Course
If a student fails in a course his/her marks of all components of evaluation in that course will be
cancelled. The student will have to register the course again or its alternative and will be required to
appear in all components of evaluation afresh. No previous marks shall be used in any case.

9.7 Repetition of a Passed Course
A student may repeat a course to try to improve his/her grade in that course only once, provided that
he/she has passed that course in a single attempt. In such case the student will have to register the
course again and will be required to appear in all  components of evaluation afresh. No previous
marks shall be used in any case. For the purpose of calculating the SPI the recently obtained grade
will be considered while for CPI the better of the two grades will be counted.

9.8 Conduct of Examinations
(a) The examiners for the End-Semester Examination  of all theory courses will normally be the
teacher(s) associated with the course. The Seminar, Colloquium courses will be examined by the
teacher(s) associated with the course and one or more examiners from among the teachers of the
department to be recommended by the BOS of the department concerned. The laboratory and project
courses will be examined by the teachers(s) associated with the course and an external examiner not
in the service of the university at the time of examination. In case the external examiner does not turn B.Tech. Ordinances
up for the examination, the Chairman of the department concerned, in consultation with the course incharge, shall call another person to act as the external examiner, even from within the University, if

(b) The End-Semester Examination of all graduating  courses shall be conducted simultaneously
along with the End-Semester Examination of regular courses of the current semester examination.
9.9 Moderation Committees

(a) Question Paper Moderation Committee: There shall be a Moderation Committee of the concerned
Department consisting of the following members to moderate the Question Papers of the EndSemester Examination.

(i) Chairman of the Department concerned – (Convener)
(ii) One senior teacher of the Department in each broad area of specialization (to be
appointed by the BOS).
Note: The Paper Setter(s) may be invited, if necessary, to clarify the necessary details of the question

(b) Result Moderation Committee: There shall be a Result Moderation Committee of the concerned
Department consisting of the following members to moderate course-wise results of the EndSemester Examinations.

(i) Chairman of the Department concerned - (Convener)
(ii) One senior teacher of the Department in each broad area of specialization (to be
appointed by the BOS).
(iii) Examiner(s) concerned.
The Result Moderation Committee will examine the result of each theory course and in case of an
abnormal situation; it may take suitable corrective measures in consultation with the examiner(s). The
examiner(s) will place the evaluated answer scripts along with the brief solution and marking scheme
before the Committee. In case of difference of opinion among the members of the Committee, the
majority decision will prevail, in which the examiner(s) will not participate.
10. Degree Requirement
(a) A student who earns 200 credits subject to the break up in various course categories and fulfills
such other conditions as may be mentioned in the curriculum will be awarded the degree of Bachelor
of Technology. He/she must also pay all University dues as per rules. Moreover, there should be no
case of indiscipline pending against him/her.
(b) If a student earns more credits than the minimum required for the award of degree, his/her CPI will
be calculated by considering the best grades subject to fulfilling the criteria of required credits as
specified in the curriculum.
11. Name Removal from the Rolls of the University and Mercy Appeal
11.1 Name Removal
The earned credits (EC) of every student will be checked at the end of even number of semesters
and if the total credits earned by the student are  less than the minimum required as given below,
his/her admission to the B. Tech. program will be cancelled and his/her name will be removed from
the rolls of the University. B.Tech. Ordinances
Check Point (No. of
semesters after admission)
Minimum EC
2 semesters 0
4 semesters 25
6 semesters 50
8 semesters 80
10 semesters 110
12 semesters 140
14 semesters 200
11.2 Mercy Appeal
If the name of a student is removed from the rolls of the University as per provisions of clause 11.1 of
these ordinances, he/she may appeal to the Vice-Chancellor stating the reasons for not being able to
earn the required credits and the Vice-Chancellor, if he is satisfied with the reasons, may allow the
continuation of admission of the student only once during the tenure of the program, extending the
total duration of the program by two semesters, at the maximum, beyond 14 semesters, if required.
Under no circumstances a student will be allowed to complete the program after the lapse of 16
semesters after admission.
12. Result
(a) If a student passes all the examinations and fulfills all the requirements for the award of degree
his/her result will be shown as “Graduated”.
(b) The Division awarded to “Graduated” students will be based on CPI as given below:
 First Division (Honours) CPI ≥ 8.5
 First Division  6.5 ≤ CPI < 8.5
 Second Division  CPI < 6.5
There shall be no formula for conversion of CPI or SPI into equivalent percentage of marks during the
program. However, once the program is completed by a student and he/she is graduated, his/her final
CPI will be converted into equivalent percentage of marks by the following formula:
y = (20x
- 380x
+ 2725x - 1690)/84
where y is the percentage of marks and x is the CPI.
(c) If a student earns more credits than the minimum required as given in the table in clause 11.1
before fulfilling the degree requirements, his/her result will be shown as “Continued”.
(d) If the name of a student is removed from the rolls of the University as per provisions of clause
11.1 of these ordinances his/her result will be shown as “Name Removed”.
(e) Ranks/Positions will be determined at the end of even semesters. Only those students who fulfill
the following conditions will be eligible for ranks/positions:
(i) They do not have any break in their studies;
(ii) They have passed every scheduled course in first attempt;
(iii) They have passed every course on time as per the curriculum;
(iv) They have earned credits as per the schedule given in the curriculum;
(v) They have not improved grade in any course after passing the course.
The students who violate any of the above conditions will not be awarded any rank/position. The
ranks/positions will be determined on the basis of CPI.
13. Transitory Ordinance
Candidates admitted prior to the implementation of  these Ordinances shall be governed by the
Ordinances (Academic) under which they were admitted. Students who fail in the courses that are no
more offered in these new ordinances and new curriculum will be allowed to pass the alternative
courses, and in case there are no alternative courses, the old courses may be offered. For such
candidates, any marks obtained earlier shall not be taken into account for passing the course(s) and
they will have to obtain marks in all components of evaluation afresh. A student admitted previously
may apply to the Dean through the Chairman concerned, to be governed by these ordinances. Such
cases may be allowed on a case by case basis.

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